Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.
by Jeff Shaw
The mobi mat (and its other branded cousins) is a game changer. These hard plastic mats should be found on all beaches on Cape Cod and elsewhere.
The mats increase accessibility for people in wheelchairs (my family), make it easier for folks with bad knees (my family) and effortless for people with strollers (my family) to get from the parking lot, boardwalk or bridge to shore.

It’s almost hard to believe it has taken until 2022 for these mats to become common. Such a seemingly minor improvement makes walking uneven sand of a beach near you nothing but a breeze (Jimmy Buffett pun intended).
While I have not been able to find specifics on how much these improvements cost, implementation timelines or if there are plans to extend access where current mats end, we can probably all agree, easier access – for more people – is a good thing.

Here is a great companion piece, with additional listings of accessible beach on Cape Cod, by Sarah Watson.
See you at the beach!
August 12, 2022