Photo Essay: Choose Your Own Adventure Parking at Marion’s Pie Shop

by Jeff Shaw

A blank canvas which is the front parking lot at Marion’s Pie Shop (July 28, 2024).
Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

I first wrote about Marion’s Pie Shop in August 2018, way back when this creative project first launched. In that post, I focused on the joy that is every bite, of the famed, freshly baked, cinnamon nut roll. I also couldn’t help myself joining in the chorus of [coffee] complaints about “just the Keurig.” [I still believe a big revenue-generating opportunity is being missed.]

Fast forward six years later, the summer of 2024, and a recently realized a handful of photographs on my cellphone reveal a fascinating, yet lesser known, story happening at Marion’s Pie Shop. Parking wars. Hold that thought.

The six years between 2018 (again, website launch) and 2024, a lot happened (COVID-19 pandemic, my children arrived, UConn won back-to-back national titles, you know, a lot). But more relatable to this post; in 2022 the owners of Marion’s Pie Shop listed it for sale.

The asking price was $2.9 million for the property, equipment and recipes, but no deal was made. Fortunately, Blake and Cindy Stearns, owners over the last 20 years, continue the near 75-year tradition of whipping up pastries and pies six days a week. The operation is expected to continue until a buyer is found.

Back to the parking wars.

Common “north-to-south”-style parking in the front parking lot (July 7, 2024).
Photo credit: Jeff Shaw

As any patron knows, Marion’s Pie Shop is located on a busy stretch of Route 28 in West Chatham. Cars approaching from the West are often accelerating up a hill; and unless they are turning right down Ridgevale Road, have no reason to slow down in this mostly residential section.

Fortunately, traffic from the East (the side of the road of which Marion’s is located) tends to slow down thanks to regular right turns onto Sam Ryder Road to access the town transfer station. 

A few things happening here (July 6, 2024). Note the street parking off the westbound lane as well as the “east-to-west”-style parking in the front parking lot. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw

Regardless, pulling out of – or backing up from- Marion’s front parking lot in the high summer season is dicey. To make matters worse, cars, trucks, trailers, etc., car regularly parked along both sides of the road blocking your side vision while narrowing the ability for oncoming traffic to pass.

A few things are happening here (August 18, 2024). First, the green coupe broke down. Second, cars are parked on the street heading eastbound. Third, while hard to see, cars pulling into the front parking lot began to double park behind the cars already there. Desperate times, call for desperate measures re: tasty pastry.
Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

But the real battle; the lack of lines in the front parking lot (crushed shell surface) means choosing your own adventure when it comes to parking ‘spaces.’

I’m not really sure what’s happening here (August 17, 2024). Cars parked in every and all directions. Mayhem at Marion’s, mayhem! Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

I’ve often heard – and sometimes noticed – that people watching is entertaining. Well, so is car parking watching, but only, at Marion’s Pie Shop.

October 9, 2024