Leaving Cape Cod in a Better Place Than You Found It

Leaving Cape Cod in a Better Place Than You Found It

Picking up on one reason I started writing – “I remain inspired by people who not only care deeply about their communities, but take action and give back, so that everyone benefits,” – to highlight people giving back with the hope others will follow. In the spirit of Sydney Sheldon, these people are “trying to leave the Earth in a better place than when they arrived.”

First off, thank you to the Cape Cod Chronicle and Cape Cod Times for choosing to cover this kind of work. The missions of nonprofit organizations – their work enhancing our shared quality of life – brings people together for a common purpose that benefits everyone in the long run. Whether donations of time, money, in-kind gifts, or connections, regular people’s actions have the ability to make a difference. Remember that. It’s hard not to feel good knowing many businesses, residents and visitors are working to improve our community.

CARE for the Cape and Islands – Volunteering on Vacation
Rolling up your sleeves and getting dirty is a great way to give back. Recently, a team of 50 volunteers from CARE for the Cape and Islands spent the day ‘sprucing-up’ the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center (CMMC). Volunteers cleared trails, weeded gardens, removed debris along the grounds as well as painted and cleaned the interior, the half-day of service helping ready the CMMC for another season. For similar clean-up days, CARE choses locations that both visitors and residents can experience, cultivating awareness of natural resources and local history that creates a connection and deeper appreciation of the land and environment.
CARE is designed to empower residents and visitors to take joint ownership in preserving the beauty, ecology and culture of the Cape and Islands. Now in it’s fifth year, the focus on sustainable travel connects the Cape’s fragile ecosystem with its significant place in American history. Both are reasons people visit and chose to stay on Cape Cod, and connecting the two provides a more enriching, if not rewarding, experience.
Here are a few more cool projects you can support with CARE (pun intended!):
  • Beach Trash to Treasure on Nantucket. Do to growth in amounts of trash
    Trash to Treasure
    Beach and ocean trash ‘up-cycled’ into artwork for sale.

    finding its way onto beaches and into the ocean, a Nantucket-based artist is turning trash into art while raising awareness on up-cycling (reuse in such a way that produces a higher quality of original material) and conservation. Why this is a problem? Plastic is finding its way into the human food chain through micro plastics found in the fish we eat. Everyone should think about that for more than a moment, and appreciate the implications of this reality. Because we can’t see this happening, it’s hard to know what to do about it, let alone think about it. To reduce our use of plastics, we just need to make small behavior changes. For example, choose stainless steel water bottles, use glassware for food storage, pressure your barista to use paper cups (many already do), bring reusable bags shopping (grocery, retail, etc), tell your waiter not to put a straw in your drink, find wood-handled toothbrushes (they exist!), or remember to pack silverware on picnics. We must remove plastic litter from the environment.

  • Provincetown Sidewalk Buttlers. Worthy goal, keeping cigarette butts off the street and out of the waste stream. Why this is a problem? During International Coastal Clean-Up Day, over 1.8 million cigarette butts were removed from beaches. So-called sidewalk “buttlers” have been installed in high traffic areas in downtown Provicetown to not just collect the butts, but to recycle and compost the materials.
  • Coloring Book for Kids from the Cape Cod Commercial Fisherman’s Alliance. Learning through coloring is a great way for children (and adults) to become stewards of the ocean. Get yours today!
  • For visitors, another way to make a difference on your next vacation is to choose your lodging based on their environmental commitment. Some B&Bs, hotels and motels donates a portion of room fees of guests who choose environmentally friendly options (classically, choosing not to have towels or sheets changed), sharing the commitment to conservation. It may take a little longer to book your next stay, but can make a difference.
Indeed, the Cape and Islands provide a character we must preserve. “And it takes change to stay the same.”
Cape Sea Grille Raises Money for Harwich Conservation Trust 
A delicious partnership.
Cape Sea Grille
Taking reservations for 2019 already.

The business community is an essential partner in keeping our community healthy, vibrant and welcoming to everyone. A few weeks ago, the Cape Sea Grille hosted the Annual Spring Wintetasting Dinner to benefit the land-saving work of the Harwich Conservation Trust. Land trusts seek to preserve land and open space that protects water resources, scenic views, wildlife habitat, and other natural features that define the environment. It’s hard to imagine the landscape of Cape Cod without the work of land trusts and other environmentally focused organizations. Like many nonprofit organizations, they need support.

While I did not attend the Winetasting Dinner, I learned that it sold out weeks prior to the event and may just quality for an evening not to be missed. While $125 per person may seem steep, the money raised supports a cause that is priceless – our natural resources. Not only are Cape Sea Grille owners Jen and Doug Ramler to be thanked, other local businesses supported the event with donations of food and wine. Extended thanks to Ed and Susan Ring or Ring Brothers Produce, Dave Carnes of Chatham Fish and Lobster, Matt O’Brien of William & CO., Matt Schultz of Classic Wines (Martignetti), Lynne Barnard of Horizon Beverage, Don Mitchell or Ideal Wines, Carol Bosch of MS Walker and Robert Roettig of Ruby Wines. I hope to see you next year.

Nauset Disposal Partnership with The Center for Coastal Studies to Support the Right Whale Emergency Initiative (the Center) 
Right Whale
Meet Kleenex, a mature female right whale who was recently entangled in fishing line. Responders weakened the line which should deteriorate over time.

If you want to actually see whales on your next whale watch, please join the 1,000 Friends of Right Whales – right now (pun always intended). The Nauset Disposal and Center for Coastal Studies to Support the Right Whale Emergency Initiative intends to raise $100,000 to help support the Right Whale Emergency Initiative. The North Atlantic right whales are among the rarest of all marine animals, and the birth rate (5 in 2017) is falling well short of combatting the death rate (50 since 2010). With an estimated population of (only) 430 individual right whales, with less than 100 being breeding females, the population is indeed endangered. We have an obligation to take action and the ability to protect the species.

The initiative seeks to address the two drivers of right whale deaths, boat strikes and entanglement. Money collected will be used to locate and monitor right whales in Cape Cod Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, expand slow-down warnings for boaters in areas in which they are located and, knowing where they are, increase the probability of finding and freeing entangled whales. Last year, a marine debris removal project sent divers down into three local harbors to remove old lobster traps, fishing line, trash and other items harmful to marine life. Nauset Disposal provided the dumpsters to collect and remove the debris.
Even small donations make a difference. The is especially true in the case of the 1,000 Friends of Right Whales since Nauset Disposal will match the first 75 donations! Our collective action can help save the North Atlantic Right Whale.

About Cape Cod

About Cape Cod

Having grown up in the northeast, it’s hard to imagine meeting someone who has never been to, let alone heard of, Cape Cod. But alas, it happens. For those who are not familiar with Cape Cod, here is short overview and list of what a visit or vacation may look like, from an admittedly biased observer.
Cape Cod
A satellite view of Cape Cod, MA.

Cape Cod is a peninsula off the southeast coast of Massachusetts jutting out about 67 miles into the Atlantic Ocean. “The Cape” consists of 15 towns beginning at the Cape Cod Canal, two islands (Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket), and the area around Buzzards Bay. While most people experience Cape Cod during the busy summer months of July and August, the shoulder seasons (spring and fall) are increasingly popular times to visit and even winter is becoming stocked with events and activities to keep people coming back throughout the year. About 200,000 people live on the Cape year round, with the population more than doubling in the summer months.

Well fleet Drive-In
The one and only, Wellfleet Drive-In Theatre.
Cape Cod Rail Trail
The Cape Cod Rail Trail.

While there are many classic Cape Cod traditions to experience such as, watching a double feature at the Wellfleet Drive-In, riding, running or walking the Cape Cod Rail Trail, enjoying the raw bar at The Beachcomber or chowder at The Squire, exploring 63,000 acres of the Cape Cod National Seashore, climbing the steps of the Pilgrim Monument, catching a Cape League Baseball League game at one of ten fields spread from Orleans to Wareham, or  visiting the Kennedy Museum, to name a few (and I didn’t even mention all the festivals and celebrations), these places may not always be there, as we learned painfully with Liam’s due to erosion at Nauset Beach. Take advantage while you can.

Here’s a short list of a few activities that make the Cape, well, the Cape for adults and kids a like:
  • A familiar sight off Route 28 in West Chatham.

    Driving by familiar town and neighborhood sights;

  • Enjoying fresh seafood where ever you turn (if you’re not into that, don’t fret, the Cape is littered with tasty twists on traditional cuisines);
  • Packing up for multiple lazy beach days where you often forget what day it is;
  • Getting dragged with your family on a whale watch only to realize you really enjoyed it, even if you puked;
  • beach toys
    A few of my beach toys.

    Competing with your fellow beachgoers in just about any beach game like paddleball, corn hole, scoop golf, Waboba surf water ball, best sand castle, you name it;

  • Playing the role of wanna be local fisherman or typical tourist for a day of fishing on the boat or clamming in the flats;
  • Boating whether charter or some kind of tour, getting out on the water;
  • Re-discovering your appreciation for a deck of cards, board games and puzzles on rainy days;
  • Realizing soft serve ice cream cannot be beat;
  • Veteran's Field, Home of the Chatham A's
    Veteran’s Field, Home of the Chatham A’s.

    Watching a Cape Cod Baseball League is just about the best way to spend a summer evening on Cape Cod;

  • Treating yourself to something sweet; homemade fudge, salt water taffy and at least one banana split;
  • Building up the nerve to sign-out a sailfish (single) sail boat and not capsize – or drift out to sea;
  • Photographing and touring a few of the dozen or so lighthouses spread throughout the Sound and Bay sides;

    Chatham Lighthouse
    The majestic Chatham Lighthouse on a clear summer day.
  • Finding your inner “Tiger” on the back nine during a competitive game of mini golf;
  • Listening to (my) favorite, Ocean 104.7, custom crafted for Cape Cod’s news and ideas (radio station);
  • Soaking up summer sounds of the town(s) band concerts on summer evenings;
  • Going on breakfast run for fresh brewed local coffee and baked goods, returning as a hero to your family or group of friends;
  • Appreciating nature: beautiful gardens, blooms, sunsets, tides the occasional rainbow;

    A bloom in our backyard.
  • Collecting sea shells, sea glass, and other wash’a shore items; and
  • Cursing yourself repeatedly for deciding to depart the Cape on Sunday after 10:00am (traffic!).
Whatever you decide to do, slow down just a little bit and you will enjoy your time on the Cape.

A Happy Mother’s Day “LaUNCH”

Ridgevale Beach, Chatham, 1980s
Mother and son on Ridgevale Beach, Chatham, 1980s

A Happy Mother’s Day “LaUNCH”

It’s fitting that HappyCapeCod.com blog is launching not only on Ragnar Cape Cod weekend, but more importantly, and appropriately, Mother’s Day. Why the former? Because I re-discovered a passion for running, volunteerism and driving rental vans with a handful of stranger-friends, through the Ragnar experience, circa 2013. I’ve run Ragnar Cape Cod for the last 5 consecutive years, with a 3rd place medal finish in our Division last year that justified taking a break on top. Admittedly, I’m already on teams for Ragnar Trail Vermont and Ragnar Reach the Beach, so there is no retirement just yet, much to my wife’s chagrin.
Let’s get back to Mother’s Day. My mom has always been – and will always be, an important part of my life. She (and my Dad and Nana) made my childhood a happy one, supported me through all my questionable decisions – jobs, relationships, clothing and haircuts as a teenager, dropped what she was doing if I ever needed to talk in those college years, inspired me in adulthood, recently having the strength and courage to battle through treatment for a serious health issue. She is simply a great person, deserving of all the good things life has to offer and I hope the future is long, bright and full of joy.
Mom also indirectly taught me a few helpful tips for living a meaningful life that may impact others for the better. “Have compassion, strive for humility, laugh a lot, find and dedicate time to what’s important, and please, stop and smell the roses once in a while!” She also cemented a seemingly straight-forward words of wisdom into my often cloudy, overwhelmed and distracted head…”Life is a gift, make it count…”
Now, many would say, starting a blog is not really fulfilling those words of wisdom. Maybe. But for me, I am truly passionate about Cape Cod – and want to help others to have similar experiences in their travels – but that would not have been the case without my parents (and grandparents) who accepted an invitation to visit “the Cape” in the early 1980s. Mom, Dad, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being great parents, tour guides of my childhood in Chatham and for making so many Cape Cod experiences full of joy, laughter, wonder and good food and drink. Count it!
Why all this information and big build-up? Because I plan to surprise Mom over “LaUNCH”, not just with this heart-felt, sometimes funny, hopefully cheery post, but for sharing that her non-tech savvy son started a blog! About Cape Cod! Waa-Hoo! (The entire family shares a passion for Cape Cod, so hopefully this creative outlet of commentary will win everyone over.)
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom and to all Moms!