2020 Cape Cod Summer Reading List

Over thirty recommendations for your next paddling tour around Cape Cod. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw

Author’s Note: There are few pleasures in life as simple as reading on the beach. Limited “inbox” distractions, passing sailboats, salty air breezes, sand between your toes and ample sunshine, comforts the senses. Whether under the shade of an umbrella or while drying in the warm sun after a dip, flipping through a book, magazine, even newspaper, is a recipe for relaxation.

With the calendar turning from July to August, many of us will seek that “sand and shore therapy” over the next few weeks. So pack a cooler, towel, and beach chair before picking that spot on the sand- 15 feet from anyone else of course – to enjoy your next summer read.

2020 Cape Cod Summer Reading List

Last summer, one of my posts featured books I recently read that are about, or took place on, Cape Cod. I’m once again sharing a similar genre of books; fact, fiction, historical fiction, etc, about this special peninsula. Two quick notes about the list; 1) these books are not newly published in 2020, and 2) I am not a literary critic in any way, shape or form. Just someone who enjoys reading about Cape Cod and eager to share that information with others who feel the same way. Without further ado, below is your 2020 Cape Cod Summer Reading List.

Get an inside look at the Chatham A’s and the entire Cape Cod Baseball League. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Last Best League, Jim Collins, 2004

Spend an entire summer baseball season (2002-Doc Brown’s time machine need only go back 18 years) with the class of the Cape Cod Baseball League, the Chatham A’s. Now known as the Chatham Anglers due to Major League Baseball (MLB) enforcing trademark law forcing them, and other teams, to change their names, this book celebrates a century and a half of America’s past time on Cape Cod. For those who enjoy the journey of player development, this is the book for you. This non-fictional account of an entire summer collegiate baseball season of the Chatham A’s, focuses on three players, two of which were pegged to be stars, and another that grew into the role over the course of the 44-game season. Former players, coaches, locals and many volunteers, who provide the foundation that keeps the league producing major league ready players, are also interviewed. The amount of generosity, planning and flexibility that goes into providing “free” summer evening baseball is truly remarkable. The reader may feel as if they are part of the Chatham A’s family by the end of this story. 

Alternative chapters spanning 300 years, and involving pirates, buried treasure and shipwrecks makes this a memorable read. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw

The Old Cape House, Barbara Eppich Struna, 2014

If you like alternative chapters that span 300 years, then this is the book for you. The Old Cape House, a historical fiction, tells the tale of the infamous pirate Sam Bellamy, of which many Cape Cod streets and buildings are named; and Maria Hallett, another popular Cape Cod family name and legend in her own right. The present day storyline follows a family that recently moved from the midwest to the Cape, and unbeknown to them, now live on the same property where a critical moment in the historical saga took place. The story builds slowly, but quickly intensifies; shocks and surprises. The modern day story could happen to any of us, especially those who have a soft spot for buried treasure.

You may find yourself with renewed appreciation of the three great elemental sounds in nature; pounding rain, whipping wind, and breaking waves of the ocean. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

The Outermost House, Henry Beston, 1928

After a visit to Coast Guard Beach (then known as Eastham Beach) in 1924, 36-year old Henry Beston was so overcome with the magnificence of the natural surroundings, he bought 50 acres of duneland on the barrier beach. In short order, he drew up architectural plans and had a one and a half room cottage built on the sand, two miles south of the current red and white life saving station at Coast Guard Beach. Intending to spend just two weeks in that remote solitude, Beston could not pull himself away from the “beauty and mystery of earth and outer sea” and lived on the beach an entire calendar year (September 1926 to September 1927). He documented everything; waves of three, shipwrecks, a stranded (but saved just in the nick of time) deer in icy waters, ghost ships emerging from collapsing dunes, herring runs, a walk from the Atlantic Ocean across “the forearm” to Cape Cod Bay and lots of birding. Beston subtly points out that modern society’s problems are partly explained by our separation to, or lack of appreciation of, nature. A beautifully written account of raw nature in all four seasons few people ever see or experience.

Evidence of one of the many tours recommended in Paddling Cape Cod. The small clearing connects Upper Mill Pond and Walkers Pond in Brewster. For those wondering about Lower Mill Pond; let’s just say, the “Narrows” were way too narrow. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw

Paddling Cape Cod, Shirley and Fred Bull, 2000  

A list of places to “put-in” for the avid, passive or novice paddler. The authors – who offer paddling tours through their company Cape Cod Coastal Canoe and Kayak – share their favorite paddling spots. As the authors’ state, “Paddling is an ideal way to reconnect with nature, escape the crowds [more important than ever these days], and explore long-forgotten parts of the Cape.” While boaters need to be aware of changes to (the depths of) waterways, inlets, and harbors thanks to shifting sand, a paddlers awareness rests with the changing tides. While this book was written for paddlers of the canoe and kayak type, a few hold up for the well balanced Stand-Up Paddleboarder. 

Happy summer reading! 

New Beach Rules (2020 Edition)

Signage from the Cape Cod Reopening Task Force. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Author’s Note:  As frustrating as it may be at times, I agree with the premise most state government leaders are using to approach the COVID response:  it’s better to be safe than sorry. In other words, it’s probably best to approach reopening the economy with an abundance of caution to limit the potential for a surge in new cases, which would likely knock us back into another 3-month lockdown. After all, hundreds if not thousands of lives are at stake. 

Aspects of every day life (interactions) have already changed. Simple activities seem foreign; going to the grocery store stress-free, crossing the street regularly when being approached by others on the same side of the road, “going to” a concert via live stream, even declining social invitations that just don’t seem worth the risk. Highly anticipated Cape Cod summer experiences have also been shuttered. There will not be Cape Cod Baseball League, arts and craft festivals, road races, fairs, band concerts, fireworks or parades. Life on Cape Cod is already different. 

Shortly after I published “Must Play Beach Games from 6 Feet Away,” Massachusetts Governor Baker released guidance on outdoor recreation, among many other provisions of the reopening effort. I had expected the guidance to keep beaches open, which it does, but with a handful of important conditions. Turns out, much of those cherished beach games are outlawed this summer due to concerns of not being able to maintain social distancing. I assume this declaration was made out of the aforementioned abundance of caution, and not from experience because, again, the beach games mentioned can be played from a safe distance. I swear! Regardless, while the Governor’s guidance is a framework, individual  towns that own and manage their own beaches can go farther in their beach rules that limit access – some already have. 

This Cape Cod Baseball League (CCBL) mask might just about be the only way to remember the 2020 season – the one that was not. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

New Beach Rules (2020 Edition)

As of 6:00 am on May 25, beaches in Massachusetts were declared open for “passive recreation, which includes siting, sunbathing, and picnicking…” Finally, some familiar semblance of summer. While www.HappyCapeCod.com strives to always find optimism in our topics, previewing the summer beach scene on Cape Cod has been noticeably difficult. Already, the towns of Falmouth and Wellfleet have eliminated or restricted parking to limit crowds to encourage social distancing. These new beach rules – both the Bill Maher (“New Rules”) and the partygoer’s (“the beach rules!”) versions (bad joke intended), need to be promoted and covered (face covering pun intended) for those heading to the beach. Note: The information below has been compiled from Massachusetts COVID-19 Order No. 34 and a May 18, 2020 Memo from Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, and will likely be updated:

A warning sign stapled to a utility pole in downtown Chatham. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Wear a Face Mask at the Beach. When social distancing is not possible, everyone 2-years-old or older without specific medical conditions, must wear a face mask. Face masks will likely need to be worn when walking through parking lots, accessing bridges and staircases, and walking to your spot in the sand. 

Groups of 10 People or Less.  While ten people per group may seem high, a family with a couple relatives can easily hit double digits. To achieve distance on the beach, the State did suggest that towns consider reduced parking. As mentioned above, Wellfleet already decided to not sell day passes at White Crest Beach. With Newcomb Hollow already a resident only lot, visitors will find slim pickings in Wellfleet. Falmouth is planning for 50% reduction in the number of parking spots available at each beach. Other towns are considering limiting the sale of beach stickers and day passes. All of this means you will need to get to the beach earlier or prepare outdoor alternatives.

Maintain a 12 Foot Perimeter. One journalist captured this notion quite well, “Forget about plopping down near the [beach] entrance, not wanting to lug coolers and beach gear any farther than they have to. Carry less, walk more.” Even lifeguards will have to be six feet apart from one another! While my crew usually sets up shop far away from the staircase, now most people will share that approach.

An update from the town of Wellfleet website. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Limited (if any) Amenities. While snack shacks and food trucks should be allowed to serve folks since they are basically “take out” only operations already, beachgoers may find locked restrooms and garbage cans may even be removed. Similarly, shuttle service is not part of Phase 1 of the reopening, which affects the trolley shuttle at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham and the “Funk Bus” that coves multiple beaches in Wellfleet.

Online Transactions. Cash is not king anymore. From everything from beach parking stickers to take out food, most people will be asked or instructed to pay online. Make sure your smartphone is fully charged before heading to the beach

Beach Games Outlawed – Depends? Saving the best and muddiest issue for last; the State’s reopening guidance is clear that for state beaches, “organized games remain prohibited.” However, the guidance for local beach managers is not as clear. The language reads that beach games “should not be allowed,” though individual towns have the ultimate say. Most towns will likely go further in issuing local restriction, but with law enforcement already limited simply by the number of officers, enforcing social distancing will be tricky. It seems like lifeguards may be in a position to take this on, but that means less eyes in the water, which is not good. 

A final thought. The Cape Cod Reopening Task Force recently launched a dedicated website for businesses, town managers, residents and visitors to prepare for future reopening phases. Seasonal residents and vacationers are being welcomed back as long as they commit to regularly a) wash their hands, b) wear masks in public, c) socially distance at least six feet (12 feet on beaches), and d) stay home if they are sick. Visitors are still expected to self quarantine for 14 days through June 8 (Phase 1).

Must Play Beach Games – From 6+ Feet Away!

Author’s Note: With Memorial Day weekend upcoming, warm weather, and lots of sunshine, I am excited for another summer season. While this summer certainly will be different, I cannot wait to introduce my son Jay to one of my favorite places in the world, Cape Cod, USA. While the little guy will not be old enough to do much other than wiggle on a beach blanket, hopefully a “foot dip” in the inlet at Ridgevale Beach, Chatham, will be possible.

I also thought it could be fun to start a new Cape-themed annual tradition for the little guy. Of course, the Chatham band concerts, Cape League baseball games, mini golf rounds, etc would be normal staples of summer days on the Cape, my new idea is much simpilier: find the biggest, cleanest oyster shell over the course of a summer and on Labor Day weekend (around my birthday), detail it to remember that season. Likely just the name, year, and a word or two that described that summer would fit. Call it sleep deprivation or charmingly creative, the Oyster Shell Search game has begun!

Want in on some Cape Cod summer fun? There are plenty of other games — must play beach games – to be had on the beaches of Cape Cod this summer. Even better, most can be played from at least six feet away!

Must Play Beach Games – From 6+ Feet Away!

My family and friends typically spend the entire day at the beach on summer days. We literally arrive around 9:00 am, claim a spot with a wide perimeter, and don’t even think of leaving until a full tide cycle. For us, the term “beach bums,” is a badge of honor worn proudly. We pack lots of stuff; chairs, umbrellas, coolers, blankets, boards and of course beach games.  While water activities are a no-brainer (bogey boarding, catching crabs/minnows or throwing the football), below are a list of fun sand-based games to keep your day in the sun, well, fun! Even better, all games listed are HappyCapeCod-approved socially distanced safe!

The sandbox in my backyard is not the best was to illustrate this game, but essentially, your rolling the golf balls into a hole in the sand. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Golf Ball Toss, 30-50 feet apart. No, this is not Chippo, ladder golf or Puttergolf. What you need: two golf balls. That’s it! You literally pack two regular golf balls, dig two holes in the sand with your heel, about the size and depth of your foot, about 30-50 feet a part. The point is to throw (roll) the golf balls in the hole, so you’ll want to clear the area of shells, debris and smooth the area in front of the hole. The game is essentially horseshoes with a twist. One point is earned for every ‘hole-in-one’ tossed/rolled, but you can “send back” both golf balls for an additional turn if you or your partner toss/roll back-to-back “holes-in-one.” First player or team to 5 points wins the game. We tried playing to 7 points, but it took too long, at least for singles. The game is surprisingly fun and best played on a sandbar or near the shore where the sand is damp. Toss the golf balls behind the hole on your side.

Nothing better than Kan Jam on the outer beach alongside giant sand dunes and breaking waves. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Kan Jam, at least 20 feet apart. Not much more needs to be written about this classic outdoor game, but I will offer a beach edition twist. What you need: Two cans, one yellow frisbee. Games are played until 21 points, and you can go over. Rebuttals are only offered if the winner tosses first. The twist is playing defense while playing singles. Hear me out; while you cannot alter a shot in front of the can, you are able to catch the frisbee after it hits the can, and would otherwise be 2 points for the other player/team. Or better yet, catch a frisbee that goes through the slot, but pops out the top! You’d be surprised how many chances one has to catch the frisbee ‘off the bounce’ once it hits the can and gets caught in the wind. At least in singles, it makes the game more fun. In either singles or doubles, you must play best of 7 and switch sides. The wind in beach Kan Jam is always a factor, and it’s a great feeling to break your opponent’s serve.

The six white buckets in the distance (four are visible) for a long range rack. Once the long range game ended, cornhole commenced. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Long Range, at least 50 feet apart. While usually reserved for yard games because packing three large plastic construction buckets is a pain, this outdoor game works on the beach. What you need: two tennis balls, 6 large plastic buckets, ocean water. You are essentially playing a three rack (triangle) in beerpong (beirut) whether singles or doubles. However, the term “long range” cannot be overstated. You separate the buckets by at least 50 feet. The object, of course, is to throw the tennis ball in each bucket. There are no re-racks. Just like beerpong, or “sand golf balls toss” explained above, if you or your teammate sinks back-to-back shots, you “send back” the tennis balls for an additional turn. The most entertaining part of this game is when someone tosses the tennis ball with a lot of height and it sinks into the bucket unexpectedly, with the water exploding up usually splashing the other team! And just like in beerpong, if one side hits the 2nd to last and last bucket, the game is over without rebuttal. Otherwise, the other team gets a rebuttal shot with each tennis ball.

Flag sticks can be easily placed on sand in addition to land. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Mini Frisbee Golf, varies but aiming points likely over 100+ feet apart. A new favorite of mine, as I designed an 18-hole course around the cottage and a 9-hole course around our yard in Connecticut. What you need: frisbees, flag (optional). The name says it all. Yard mini frisbee golf is easy to “set up” as you simply pick a target (tree, chair, mailbox, etc) and see how many tosses it takes to hit it. You can also stick a flag in the ground and just choose different “tee boxes” (areas) to toss from. For the beach version, you will likely need a flag and lots of space so you don’t upset the neighbors. Most “holes” are likely par 2s (two tosses). If you space out the tee box (first toss) to the flag/target, you will quickly see who can/cannot through a frisbee accurately. Nine holes is probably all you need on the beach to claim a champion, based on number of people playing, wind and space.

The boys of summer. Circa 1996. Photo credit: Bob Shaw.

Pro Kadima (aka, Paddleball), 6 feet apart (usually a little closer). My personal favorite beach and yard activity ever. To this day, Dan Healy and I set record for longest rally ever at 3,023 for the beach; and 5,247 for land. The latter rally took over 2 hours and Dan and I missed most of the BBQ at his house! While the rally records may never be broken, competitive pro kadima (paddleball) is a fast-paced and exciting beach game. What you need: two pro kadima paddles, rubber ball. The game is essentially volleyball. You draw a rectangle (with your foot) in the sand about 12 feet long and cut it in half so you have two sides of the court. The object of the game is to hit the ball safely in your opponents court WITHOUT spiking it. If the ball hits the line, it is a do-over. If the ball hits a player, or your opponent attempts to return the ball and it lands out of bounds, you get the point, just like tennis. The game can definitely take a little finesse, but if you like tennis, you should enjoy this game. Games are played to 15, must win by two. Whoever scores a point, serves. Rally for serve. 

A young Mike Shaw, demonstrating perfect follow-through and scoop golf form. Circa 1995. Photo credit: Bob Shaw.

Scoop Golf, distance varies but aiming point usually 50-200 feet away. The evolution of this game can be traced back to building sand castles. While shovels are the more common tool for constructing sand castles, scoops allow one to dig deeper. It quickly became evident not just sand could be “scooped” but tennis balls, wiffle balls, but also (rubber) paddleballs. Eventually, it became obvious that scoop golf should be in the beach game rotation and the Shaw and Healy boys saw to it, taking it to such heights as creating single round tournaments such as the Clamshell Classic, Sam Adams Open to multiple round “majors” such as the Quarter Moon Open; Ridgevale Open, Farewell Tournament and of course, the Cape Cod Scoop Golf Masters (a 4-round tournament). There were multiple courses at Ridgevale Beach; the dunes, the ocean sand bar, inlet mud flats and pretty much any open area where we could fling rubber balls and sand in the air without upsetting strangers. What you need: plastic “scoop” shovels and (rubber) paddleballs for each player, flag, and tin coffee container for the hole. Note: The flag is key so other people walking along the beach don’t step into the hole!

Vintage certificates of past major scoop golf tournaments. Our imaginations were really kicking in the 90s. Graphic design credit: Dan Healy. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw

Wiffle Ball Home Run Derby, distance varies but everyone takes the field except the batter. Wiffle ball on the beach is right up there with pickle and pro kadima for classic beach games. So, why not make it more exciting with a home run derby. Be sure to have a thin bat, otherwise, every pitch will become a home run. Just like Major League Baseball’s derby, 10 outs is probably about right. Be sure to make lines for men’s and women’s.

Beach games are constantly evolving, and I’m sure a new game will be created or shared this summer. 

Quick note on water sports: While I love playing in the water, there are really only a handful of activities you need to know: Waboba toss, bogey boarding, body surfing, and stand-up paddleboard time trails. Snorkeling on a calm, sunny day also qualifies. Happy summer to all!

Local Intel on Cape Cod

The visitor center on Route 6. Photo credit: Affordable Cape Cod Vacations.

Author’s Note: I recently started listening to podcasts. (Thanks Matt.) The topics run the gamut from restaurants, to movies, to local happenings, to politics, to sports. I was quickly reminded (again, thanks Matt) that everyone who starts listening to podcasts thinks they are witty and sharp enough can do their own. Enter my light blub moment – and queue your eye roll…Fortunately, my podcast idea is not about Cape Cod; a very entertaining one already exists (more on that below), which according to host Eric Williams, www.HappyCapeCod.com compliments quite well. Nice!

My podcast idea is rooted in my winter season passion; skiing. While the format is a work in progress, three episodes have been written, two episodes recorded (find episodes at @PowderHoundSkis, jsshaw9.podbean.com or subscribe to PowderHounds Podcast on iTunes). Launching any project, learning new technology, navigating nuance of the medium, scheduling guests and attracting listeners is already a heavy lift. I remain optimistic thanks to ideas constantly – and randomly – popping up in my head. It’s already been a lot of fun just scripting and researching content for the episodes, especially pleasing when coming across unexpected articles and topics. Of course, just clipping in my bindings provides a sense of excitement as the next trail, apre cocktail or conversation may provide a nugget of an idea for a topic or segment. A couple friends have offered advice and support, which I appreciate. Hopefully this whole thing will come together. At least the Cape Cod Ski Club may appreciate it!

The podcast artwork. Photo credit Cape Cod Times.

I consume a lot of information about Cape Cod. Whether daily e-newsletters, printed weekly newspapers, monthly travel guides, books about or authored by Cape Cod residents, podcasts, word of mouth, and through social media mentions, there are a lot of ways to learn about happenings on Cape Cod. While there is no wrong door to learning about Cape Cod, local intel is always best. Below are my picks of people and resources to stay up-to-date with everything Cape Cod! 

Photo credit: CapeCod.com.

The Cape Cod Fun Show Podcast. The description says it all, “join Eric Williams and his zany cohorts as they give you the inside scoop on beaches, restaurants, upcoming events and peculiar adventures. Get stoked for fun on Cape Cod!” While the podcast is professionally produced, via CapeCodOnline, Eric, Mung, Greg and the other guest hosts keep to a fast-paced script that includes food finds, outdoor activities, upcoming events, and of course, the tide charts. The Fun show covers the entire Cape, from Bourne to P-Town. Speaking of both Cape towns, I’ve added a dessert stop in Bourne and pizza stop in P-Town to my “to try” list. Episodes are produced weekly.

Photo credit: Ocean 104.7.

There is Even More Fun This Week on Cape Cod & Cape Cod Bucket List, courtesy of CapeCod.com! Ann Luongo, who writes both sections, is the Marketing Writer and Lifestyle Reporter for CapeCod.com, having spent a decade plus covering similar ground on the South Shore. If you subscribe for CapeCod.com e-daily, “The Cape’s Top Stories,” chances are one of those editions will have Ann’s list of featured upcoming events as well as a list of other community events occurring that week. New within the last year or so, Ann also writes a weekly ‘Cape Cod Bucket List’ section, of must-do’s, such as camping on the outer Cape, watching a double-feature at the Wellfleet Drive-In, having a bonfire on the beach, catching a Cape Cod League Baseball game, enjoying a summer band concert, and much more.

Photo credit: Cape Cod Chronicle.

Radio Ocean 104.7. As written before, Ocean 104.7, “custom crafted for the Cape,” provides hourly news updates on the hour. Queue the ship bells! Dave Read greets listeners in the morning, with regular updates from Justin Saunders, Brian Merchant, Luke Leitner, and the gang. Favorite radio personality Cat Wilson anchors the afternoon into evening schedule, with a special segment “the cheap seats” featuring local bands every Sunday from 8-10 pm. You do not have to be in your car to listen to Ocean 104.7. The station can be played via Alexa at “WOCN” or through the Ocean 104.7 app. The radio broadcast usually cuts out around Raynham along I-495, but it once lasted in my car all the way up to Hopkinton. I actually posted on Twitter just to capture that occurrence. And of course, Ocean 104.7 rocks those delightful and charming old fashion radio jingles for local businesses.  

Photo credit. Cape Cod Times.

Newspapers – Cape Cod Chronicle. The Chronicle is a weekly newspaper focusing on the Lower Cape towns of Chatham, Harwich and Orleans. The two-section, weekly newspaper, with e-edition options, features detailed reporting of local news, especially Board of Selectman activities, with plenty of commentary from residents in sections dedicated to local businesses, history, nature, real estate and of course, letters-to-the editor. You can sign-up for free weekend as well as breaking news e-editions.

Newspaper – Cape Cod Times. The Times is a daily, Cape-wide newspaper with a robust website. I mean robust, tons of photo galleries, links to national news, videos, entertainment, etc. Because of this Cape Cod Times offer three different subscription plans; unlimited digital access, 7-day home delivery with unlimited digital, and Sunday only home delivery with unlimited digital access. While their paywall is quite generous, local newspapers especially need our support so subscribe in one way or another today!

Photo credit: Cape Cod Guidebook.

Cape Cod Best Read Guide. The free booklets/mini magazines are printed by a national company, and can be found at many restaurants, tourist attractions and visitor’s centers around the world. Locally, there are June, July and August editions just to keep pace with upcoming calendar of events, with “shoulder season” editions for fall, winter and spring when not as many tourists are pouring over pages and clipping $1 off coupons for mini golf, ice cream and whale watches. There are multiple forms of these booklets/mini magazine, similar styled guidebooks created by the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce, and even guidebooks for each town in collaboration with local Chambers of Commerce. While the content is mostly paid advertisements by the local companies included, these booklets can still be quite informative, if nothing else as a mini telephone book and map of attractions. As the company states, “Think of the Best Read Guide as the shortest path from discovery to experience.” The visitor center after Exit 6 on the mid-Cape highway (Route 6) has every free guidebook available, so that’s the place to stock-up.

Happy learning, listening, talking and reading about Cape Cod!

2019 ‘About Cape Cod’ Summer Reading List

Author’s Note: One of the simplest joys of summer is none other than reading outside in the warm sunshine. Whether stretched out on a comfy chaise lounge with the newspaper, siting at the waters edge digging your feet in the sand while burying oneself in a book, or swaying gently in a hammock flipping through the pages of a magazine, relaxing by way of reading outdoors is a common summer activity. Truth be told, I look forward to reading an actual newspaper on the patio on a lazy weekend morning. “Push notification” news can wait. I find that reading outside slows down the day, a big plus in the summer. The quieter the space, the better, though I’ll gladly attempt to read among the chaos of a mid-summer day at the beach. I love getting lost in a story. Fact or fiction, reading is informative, can be transformative, and possibly both.

In preparation for an upcoming trip to Bermuda, I’ve packed three paper back books, along with three crossword puzzles from a few newspapers, and a book of codewords (think crosswords without clues). The only time I plan to look at my phone is to take pictures, listen to music (the Bob Marley, Jimmy Buffett, Beach Boys, kind) or capture a thought (note) if a pen and paper are hard to come by.

While there are no shortage of “summer reading lists” for kids on summer break, those of us beyond the years of reading The Great Gatsby, Catcher in the Rye, and Adventures of Tom and Huck, there are plenty of books about Cape Cod to add to your reading queue. Some books are heavy and historical, focusing on the turn of the twentieth century, lifestyles that describe a very different Cape Cod than any of us know. Others are quick reads that leave a grin on our faces. A few stories stay with us long after they’ve been put back on the shelf. I hope you enjoy my top picks to learn more about Cape Cod this summer.

Baseball by the Beach: A History of America’s National Pastime on Cape Cod (1998), Christopher Price. Like a high tide, excitement around America’s pastime first washed over the 339 square miles of Cape Cod’s peninsula over almost two centuries ago. Author Christopher Price takes us back in time to the origins of the “Massachusetts game” (1840s) as well as when the first organized (documented) baseball game occurred on Cape Cod (1866) by The Nichols Baseball Club of Sandwich. Like anything, baseball on Cape Cod evolved from those early, loosely organized teams with rosters consisting of mostly of local players, to the modern day NCAA-sanctioned league it is today. With many future major leagues breaking out – or more accurately, standing out in front of countless scouts in the stands – it’s hard not to get excited about catching a look at the “future stars of tomorrow today.” After long hours on the sand, watching a game from a beach chair on a crisp summer evening is a great way to relax at the end the day. Go A’s!

Cottage for Sale, Must be Moved: A Woman Moves a House to Make a Home (2005), Kate Whouley. The title is not misleading, author and mover extraordinaire, Kate Whouley, bought an abandoned cottage and had it moved across four Cape Cod towns to attach it to her three bedroom house! When thinking about the landscape of Cape Cod, its hard not to think of seaside cottages dotting the coast, a product of a bygone era now replaced with second home, “McMansions” by mostly “off-Capers.”. Not only are cottages authentic, charming, and affordable, they are small enough to actually get lifted off the ground and re-located. That’s exactly what Kate Whouloy did, along with the help of an army of professional contractors, movers, tradesman, friends, family and her trusted cat, Egypt. It’s a delightful read.

Historic Restaurants of Cape Cod (2017), Christopher Setterlund. While Cape Cod is known for breathtaking scenery and some of the best beaches on the eastern seaboard, many visitors come for the food. Fresh seafood is the main attraction given the Cape’s long maritime history. Mr. Setterlund identifies some of the most historic and iconic restaurants on Cape Cod, though sadly, some of them are long gone as original owners retired and preferences changed. However, this quick read features interviews with past owners and general managers that tell trivia worthy tales, like when the late former Senator Ted Kennedy held a fund-raiser at the Cleaver Restaurant, the free raw bar at the Christopher Ryder House, or the time Jay Leno appeared at Tuesday comedy night at Christine’s. And those are just a few stories from restaurants that begin with the letter “C.” Just wait until you get to The Beacon Restaurant, Mildred’s Restaurant, and Thompson’s Clam Bar. You’ll want to drive east for a fresh lobster roll or fried fisherman’s platter after turning a few pages of this book.

Journey to Outermost House (1991), Nan Turner Walden. Without argument, the first thing people picture when hearing the words “Cape Cod,” are the beaches. People spend precious vacation days to sit on the sun-baked sand and bask in the water, not to mention pay exorbitant parking fees and pack an entire house worth of stuff to set-up their spot on the beach. Well, imagine living on that beach. Strike that, imagine living on that beach, located two miles from the nearest town and the nearest person. That is the context for this next read. Despite having not yet read the book author Nat Turner Waldren’s book is based on, it was impossible not to follow her along the sandy shores of the Atlantic Ocean toward the two-room cottage by the sea. (Don’t worry, Henry Beston’s classic is on my reading list.) Nan Turner Walden essentially replicated Henry Beston’s life-changing experience of living in isolation on the “Great Beach” of Cape Cod, two miles from the mainland (Eastham). As the author re-discovered the natural world by detaching from the modern world, she spent so much time at the house she eventually “bested” Henry Beston’s one year of living on the beach to her seven years. Years later the Outermost House was gifted to the Massachusetts Audubon Society and can be rented by anyone seeking a similar experience, albeit, shorter than that of Henry and Nan.

Voyages from Chatham: A Memoir (2016), Captain Bob Ryder. There is something captivating about life on the sea. Perhaps it’s simply the adventure, the unknown of what lurks beneath, or the wonder of what could be discovered in the distance. Whales breach, birds dive, seals pop up and have a look around, herring “run,” waves form, wind blows, tides change. The constant churn is what makes us respect the ocean and have a ton of respect for those that spend their lives on it Indeed, the ocean is the workplace of old-time (and I suppose some present day) pirates, but more importantly, modern day fishermen who make their living from their daily catch. Captain Ryder, whose family has a cove named after them in Chatham, describes a career at sea, encountering almost any and every situation you could possibly think of – and more. After reading some of his adventures and mis-adventures, it’s hard not to look at the seafood on our plates with a different perspective. If you see a fisherman, thank them.

What other books about Cape Cod would you recommend reading?