Ancient Trail in Brewster

The well-worn ancient path near McGuerty Road. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

If you are looking for trails less traveled, consider an ancient and secluded path off Route 137 in Brewster. According to local historian Russ Allen, the pathway is the remnant of a Native American trail one time called the Wading-Place Path, which originally began at Chatham’s Old Harbor and ended at Arey’s Pond in Orleans. Make no mistake, this is not the modern day coastal route of scenic Route 28! 

Cruising along Route 137 heading north, I almost missed the abrupt turn onto the dirt, pot-hole-filled McGuerty Road. The trailhead is unmarked at the road’s dead end. It is remarkable that this centuries-old trail has lasted the test of time. At least, this inland section. 

A trail junction in Town Well Field. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Of note, I did not prepare for this trail exploration with maps or by local word of mouth. This minor detail will prove important. Ever since listening to a conversation by the author Chris Colin of the funny book “Off: The Day the Internet Died,” I decided to stop using the internet to learn every little detail about a place, activity or experience and instead get back into the business of good old fashion guess work – and getting a little lost.

After meandering my way up, down and around the well-worn dirt path, I eventually reached a trail junction with three directional options. At this point, I was in a good “runner’s groove” and didn’t think much of departing from the main trail. But after 20 minutes, a couple more turns, and no other human in sight, I reached a fence separating the woods and the Mid-Cape Highway. Oh no! I was lost.  

A trail ends at the Mid-Cape Highway/Route 6. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

My first instinct was to access maps on my phone. I resisted this urge. I didn’t want to turn to technology so quickly. The Native Americans who formed the trail sure couldn’t. Maybe bumping into a helpful stranger would solve the problem. Unlikely, as I only passed one other person (a mountain biker) during the first ten minutes on the trail. I calmly began re-tracing my steps. 

Brewster Conservation Trust map notes the name of the forest is Town Well Field. The map designates walking trails as “Mapped Walking Trail,” “Other Large Walking Area” or “Other Walking Area.” Town Well Field is designated “Other Walking Area,” which suggests the area is not visited often. Later, I would learn even Google maps doesn’t distinguish the area as woods (green overlay) nor outline trails or landmarks. The area is basically a void on all maps.

A small pile of stones beneath a tree marks the path back to the car. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

As I worked my way away from the sun, which had been in my eyes after that first turn, I stumbled upon a remarkably simple and perhaps symbolic sign. A pile of stones beneath a tree at the trail junction. I remembered seeing the stones out of the corner of my eye when first turning. Is that the sign back to the main trail? Sure enough, the natural sign turned me onto the pathway which took me back to my car.

By the time I burst out of the woods onto the dirt road, I had clocked over 4 miles. Sure, I was lost for more than half of it. But still, there was something comforting about finding my way out of that predictament without resorting to technology. 

A faded blue metal sign indicates one of the many trailheads to Town Well Field conservation area. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

There is another parking lot off Route 137 between Twinturn Lane and Katherine’s Lane to access the area. A well-worn blue sign marks the trailhead.

If you need to “find your path,” get lost on the Wading-Place Path for a while!

Tower Tour: Scargo Tower

The Scargo Tower stands tall overlooking Cape Cod Bay and an East Dennis neighborhood. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

by Mike Shaw

Earlier this year, I continued my odyssey seeking out historic sites around the Cape and ventured down the road from Chatham to Dennis in search of the iconic Scargo Tower.  Located right off Route 6A/Old King’s Highway – along the aptly named Scargo Hill Road – the stone tower sits on a quiet hilltop offering panoramic views of Scargo Lake and Cape Cod Bay.  

The view from the Scargo Tower parking area in the Spring. Cape Cod Bay can be seen in the distance, above the vegetation. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

The Tower is also just a few minutes drive from one of my favorite breakfast and lunch spots in Dennis:  Grumpy’s Restaurant.  For those who haven’t been, please treat yourself before or after your Scargo Tower visit!

The view from Scargo Tower parking area in the Fall. Cape Cod Bay can be seen in the distance; and a salt marsh is revealed in the foreground. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

According to the Dennis Historical Society:  “Scargo Tower began as a tourist observatory in 1874.  Made of wood, it was destroyed in a gale two years later.  Rebuilt again of wood, it burned in 1900.  The present cobblestone tower opened in 1901.  The 30 foot high tower is located atop the highest hill in the mid-Cape.  Indian legends tell of the making of both Scargo Hill and Scargo Lake.  Views may be seen of the entire Lower Cape to Provincetown, and as far west as Plymouth.  The Tower is owned and operated by the Town of Dennis.”

The memorial plaque. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

A plaque adorns the Tower, reading:  “This tower and hilltop were given to the town in 1929 as a memorial to Charles Tobey (1831-1888) and Francis Bassett Tobey (1833-1913), loyal sons of the village of Dennis where their Tobey ancestors settled in 1678.”

The entrance is still closed to the public. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

The Cape Cod Times reported last July that, beginning in November 2018, the Tower was closed for 18 months due to necessary maintenance.  While repairs have been completed, the Tower’s interior remains closed to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions.  

The charming hilltop and tower. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

As we eagerly await the reopening of our favorite places, both residents and visitors of Dennis will undoubtedly look forward to once again ascending Scargo Tower and enjoying the spectacular views across the horizon.

Iconic Chatham Seaside Shack Turns Six

A beautiful shot of the Shack on a still morning. Photo credit: Mark Preu.

If you regularly visit Chatham Lighthouse and take the nearby stairs down to the beach below, you probably know of the seaside “shack” that sits upon the low dune about 1/3 mile away. Known as “Occupy Chatham South Beach,” a nod to the disagreement between locals and the Cape Cod National Seashore over who controls the land, the Shack just celebrated its sixth anniversary in February. 

Six years! That achievement is impressive considering how similarly located beach camps, dune shacks, even waterfront homes, have succumbed to storms, tides and shifting sands of the Atlantic Ocean. 

The fog blankets the overlook of Lighthouse Beach. On the upper right, you can see a faint circle of light in the fog – that is Chatham Lighthouse – and my ticket back to home! Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.Th

Despite originally being erected from storm debris, the Shack has grown considerably in size, features and interest. Downright affection is a better description. The charming decorative touches illustrate community spirit and has contributed to shaping Chatham’s coastal identity. 

Some refer to the structure as a “totem,” a natural object believed to have spiritual significance in the community. The Shack was featured by the Chatham Orpheum’s pre-movie visual tour of town, as it has “become an iconic image of the local community.”

While the Shack was definitely established in 2015, the designation by the Chatham Historical Commission might be aspirational. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Signs have been added over time, and people have carved their names or words into the drift wood. Christmas lights have shined during the holiday season powered by a solar panel once; and 1/4 mile extension chord another time. Tom Birch, the shack’s “keeper of the flag,” maintains a stars and stripes presence on the roof. It also has its own shark warning flag, though there are plenty of large signs on the beach that promote shark safety. The Facebook group, Occupy Chatham South Beach, has over 1,300 followers. The Shack was even painted on a whale as part of the Art in the Park exhibit at Kate Gould Park last summer. 

The Shack is becoming better known with each passing year. Multiple engagements, selfies, meditations and even parties have occurred at the Shack. For good luck or just to be part of the story, people have left behind an item, ideally natural or native to Cape Cod. There is also a guestbook for visitors to sign. Though, good luck finding it as it is often buried in the sand.

The back of the Shack facing the rolling fog of Chatham. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Speaking of sand, recent storms have eroded the coast and knocked down dunes on nearby North Beach Island. The inner shore on which the shack is located is now more susceptible to the Atlantic Ocean.

So happy 6th birthday and/or anniversary to the Shack. May this cobbled together natural wonder bring laughter, peace, and hope to all who pass by. If a collection of driftwood on the shores of an unforgiving Atlantic Ocean can defy the odds of getting swept out to sea, so too can we persevere in the challenges that lay ahead. 

Tower Tour Part 2: Pilgrim Monument

America’s tallest granite-only structure resides on a hilly spot near the town center. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

by Mike Shaw

Few landmarks in Cape Cod – outside of the ubiquitous lighthouses dotting the 70 mile peninsula – are as instantly recognizable as Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown.  Affectionately known as “Ptown,” Provincetown is best known for its artists, beaches, harbor,  tourist industry, and inclusive vibe.  The countercultural appeal of Ptown has held steady along with its growth as a tourist destination, becoming more popular as the town hosted festivals and week-long events throughout the year.  Over the holidays, I had the good fortune to make several day trips to Ptown and learned more about the town’s rich history and mystique which keeps drawing people back.

But first, a little history of Ptown.

On a clear day, you can faintly see Boston’s skyline from the top of the monument. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Ptown is located at the tip of Cape Cod, encompassing about 18 square miles.  Surrounded by water in nearly every direction, the town has approximately 20 miles of coastal shoreline.  Ptown is bordered to the east by its only neighbor, Truro.  About 70 percent of the town’s land area is owned by the National Park Service, which operates the Cape Cod National Seashore.  To the north lie the Province Lands, the area of dunes and small ponds from Mount Ararat in the east to Race Point in the west.  The Cape Cod Bay shoreline extends from Race Point to Wood End to Long Point, which in turn points inward towards the town, and provides a natural barrier for Provincetown Harbor.  All three points are marked by lighthouses.

The fog rolls in during dusk. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

On September 6, 1620, the ship Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England to a new land, carrying her crew and 102 passengers.  About 60 days later, land was spotted off the coast of Cape Cod, far north of their intended destination at the mouth of the Hudson River.  Disheartened by their difficult journey across the Atlantic, they sought shelter in Provincetown Harbor.

Though the Pilgrims settled across the bay in Plymouth, the area enjoyed an early reputation for its valuable fishing grounds.  In 1727, the Precinct of Cape Cod was incorporated as a township.  Ptown grew rapidly as a fishing and whaling center.  The population was bolstered by numerous Portuguese sailors, many of whom settled in Ptown after being hired to work on U.S. ships. 

Now onto the Monument!

A sign (and future reminder) of the times. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

The Pilgrim Monument was built (1907-10) to commemorate the landfall of the Pilgrims at Provincetown on November 11, 1620 and the signing of the Mayflower Compact, the Plymouth Colony’s first governing document, in Provincetown Harbor.  Standing at 252 feet tall, the Monument dominates the town’s skyline and commands reverence and awe from all who gaze at her. By pure coincidence, I actually visited Ptown on the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims’ arrival – November 11, 2020.  Without a fault, pilgrim displays adorned all corners of the town as it commemorated this most auspicious occasion.  And, being COVID-mindful, all pilgrims wore facial coverings (can’t be too careful!).

According to the Provincetown Museum (link below):  Work on the (monument’s) foundation began on June 20, 1907 and was completed on August 8, 1907.  The cornerstone of the Pilgrim Monument was laid in an imposing Masonic ceremony on August 20, 1907.  President Teddy Roosevelt attended the ceremony and gave the main speech.  Roosevelt sailed into Provincetown harbor on the morning of the ceremony from his home in Oyster Bay, Long Island, on the presidential yacht (coincidentally named the Mayflower).  Construction was begun on the Pilgrim Monument on June 18, 1908.  The first piece of granite, weighing 4,000 pounds, was swung into place upon the foundation without any formal ceremony.

The 252-foot tall monument can be seen prominently from many Ptown neighborhoods. Photo credit: Mike Shaw,

Work continued until November 26, 1908, when it had to be stopped because of bad weather.  It was resumed again on April 9, 1909, and continued throughout the rest of the year and into 1910.  Ptown marked the official dedication of the Pilgrim Monument on August 5, 1910 with myriad special guests, including President William Howard Taft who arrived that morning on the government yacht Mayflower.  The U.S. Government retained the right to use the Monument during wartime.  During World War I it was used as a lookout tower and later during World War II it was rumored the tower was used as a testing area for secret communications experiments.  The government did not relinquish control over the tower until 1959.

Provincetown Museum link: 

The Ragnar Relay Cape Cod finish line and post-race party was held on the grounds of the monument. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Simply put, no trip to Ptown is complete without a visit to the Pilgrim Monument.  Fuel up, pace yourself, and ascend the 116 steps to the top where you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of the town, Cape Cod Bay, and if you’re really lucky, Boston’s skyline.  No matter what you can see, take a moment to soak up the significance of America’s tallest granite-only structure and its indelible place in our nation’s history.  As locals like to say, when you’ve arrived in Ptown, you’re at the end of the world.

A tired but proud bunch finished in 3rd Place in the mixed submasters division! Photo credit: A kind stranger.

Lost Restaurant Series: Lobster Claw Restaurant

The final days of the Lobster Claw Restaurant following a 51-year run. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

“At the Lobster Claw Restaurant, great dining by the sea, at the Lobster Claw Restaurant, we’re one big family!” That catchy radio jingle captures, perhaps whimsically, the essence of the iconic seafood restaurant off Route 6A in Orleans. 

For fifty-one years, Don and Marylou Berig owned and operated the award-winning Lobster Claw Restaurant, a “true Cape Cod tradition,” and staple of dining on Cape Cod for year-round residents and visitors.

At the beginning, the restaurant only had one dining room where reheated frozen fish was served on paper plates. When the Berig’s took the reins, they promptly opted for using fresh fish and real dishware, the former due to their familiarity with the fish business. 

The menu certainly evolved, with namesake lobsters literally at the center. The menu promoted Broiled Lobster, Lobster Newburg, Deep Fried Lobster and Baked Stuffed Lobster. They also offered an early bird special with complimentary chowder and dessert with selection of an entrée. 

A lobster roll, fish n chips and chowder “to go.” Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Like in most restaurants, a typical day began at 6:30 a.m., cleaning and setting up the dining room. By 7:30 am, deliveries arrived, some included over 100 pounds of fish, which Don cut up himself, which he had been doing since age 12. The lunch crowed arrived at 11:30 am and night owls closed down the place around 9:30 pm. Though, the Berigs were known to stay open if someone called and said they were on their way.

From Route 6A, the red exterior of the barn-shaped structure was hard to miss. Once inside, the nautically-themed interior dining rooms where fishing nets hang from the ceiling was hard to forget. 

Don and Marylou were the cooks, cleaners, accountants and faces of the Lobster Claw Restaurant. But three generations of Berigs worked at the restaurant over the half-century.  One hostess was employed at the restaurant for half a century. There were also more than a dozen workers from Jamaica who worked at the restaurant for years.

Ordering from the “left side” of the menu included complementary chowder and dessert during the early bird seating. Photo credit:

At its peak, the 6,695-square foot restaurant had three dining rooms downstairs and the Surfboat Lounge upstairs. Normally 221 can be seated downstairs and 67 upstairs. In its heyday, the restaurant fed 500 people a day. 

When Hurricane Bob hit the Cape in August 1991, the Lobster Claw was the only restaurant open in seven towns. The Lobster Claw staff ended up feeding 800 people over the course of a few days.

Some of the Lobster Claw accolades include “Best Family Restaurant,” “Best Lobster Roll” and “Best Clam Chowder” from Cape Cod Life Publications between 1994 and 2018. The restaurant also won “Best Fried Clams” in 2010 from Best of Boston.

A freshly cleaned and set nautical-themed dining room. Photo credit:

Don credits the success of the restaurant to three things: cleanliness and décor, excellent food, and great employees. Berig was a self-described people person – and old school. Don was a natural tending bar, behind the boat-shaped bar, serving up Dewar’s Scotch, a favorite with the older crowd. 

In his reflections at retirement, Don never felt running the restaurant was a job in the negative sense. “Exhaustion, surely,” he admitted. Running the restaurant was his life’s work; a labor of love. 

Don and Marylou Berig operated the Lobster Claw Restaurant for 51 years. Photo credit:

The Lobster Claw closed its doors on September 13, 2020. A medical center is expected to occupy the building.