Have you ever wanted to visit a Cape Cod town you’ve never been to, but was not sure what to do when you arrived? Well, if you are a runner, plan your next visit around the town’s road race. With “Run 169 Town Society (CT)” roots in mind, this running challenge is similar: run (or walk) a timed road or trail race in all 15 Cape Cod towns, the 2 islands and 1 off-Cape town (can’t forget our friends on the other side of the canal). Only then, have you “Run the Cod!”
At last count, there are over 70 races on Cape Cod, the Islands as well as plenty off-Cape, particularly in Plymouth. Races are spread through the busy summer tourist season as well as shoulder seasons as part of a local celebration or annual event (Wellfleet Oysterfest hosts a 5K, New Year’s Day celebrations hosts “First Day 5ks,” some pubs host their own timed fun run, etc.), and can be a big economic driver for the host town. Oh, and the Ragnar Relay Cape Cod is another great option to see the Cape from your own two (err, three) legs!
So, if you are up for traveling to – or around – Cape Cod, exploring every town, clipping on a running bib, and bringing some friends along, then join us in accepting the Run the Cod Challenge. As Barney Stinson would also say, “It’s gonna be legendary!”
My Running the Cod
May 19, 2019 – Osterville (Barnstable): 10th Piggy Trot

November 18, 2018 – Chatham in the Fall 10K

October 14, 2018 – Wellfleet: Shuck ‘N Run 5K

September 23, 2018 – Truro Treasures 5K

September 22, 2018 – Sandwich: Y-Not Trail Race 5K

September 22, 2018 – Eastham: Hearty Hearts, Healthy Lands 5K

October 27, 2014 – Falmouth: Cape Cod Marathon (26.2 Miles)

Still to Cover: Bourne, Dennis, Harwich, Martha’s Vineyard, Mashpee, Nantucket, Orleans, Provincetown, Wareham, Yarmouth and Off-Cape
I’ve also dabbled in the Ragnar Relay Cape Cod.
2017 Ragnar Relay Cape Cod – Team Name: Ready. nauSet. Go.

2016 Ragnar Cape Cod – Team Name: Shut Yar-Mouth Kid!

2015 Ragnar Cape Cod – Team Name: Where’s My Sandwich?

2014 Ragnar Cape Cod – Team Name: Monomoy [man-are-my] Legs Tired, Again

2013 Ragnar Cape Cod – Team Name: Monomoy [Man-are-my] Legs Tired

Other Fun Running Challenges
Fastest Known Time – www.fastestknowntime.com
Coming Soon! Another Cape Cod Challenge
CityStrides – https://citystrides.com
Run every street in your town!