Author’s Note: I never thought this would be the case, but I am a runner. It happened by chance, mostly because of my friend Frank’s family connection to the Ragnar Relay races. The challenging distances, mildly competitive divisions, team format and focus on fun, quality and travel, was a great place to start a running career. I graduated onto a few marathons (my first being the Cape Cod Marathon), a handful of halfs, and a bunch of local 10K and 5Ks. I regularly run in three local races each year, otherwise, I keep an eye out for a new race, location, or challenge to keep running fun, fresh and exciting.

My “I’m a runner realization” dawned on me when people started asking questions about running and seeking input on topics from injury prevention, to gear, to training plans, to the race best bling/swag. One running buddy recently told me about a long standing running challenge she was 1/3 of the way through – Run 169 Towns Society. Not long ago, I had no idea what that meant other than knowing there are 169 towns and cities in Connecticut. She quickly filled me in that this particular challenge is to complete a timed running race in every town (169) in Connecticut. My friend is in her 30s and has already run a race in over 1/3 of the towns. Runners join the group before completing the feat, critical to figuring out how to find a race in some of the smaller rural towns where there may only be one race offered. As she explained the upcoming town races, her excitement was contagious. Later that day, I thought more about the concept of completing races in a specific geographic location and then the lightbulb went off, why not do this in my favorite place in the world, Cape Cod!

Have you ever wanted to visit a Cape Cod town you’ve never been to, but was not sure “what to do” when you arrived? Well, if you are a runner, plan your next visit around the town’s road race. With Run 169 Town Society (CT) roots in mind, this running challenge is similar: run (or walk) a timed road or trail race in all 15 Cape Cod towns, the 2 islands and 1 off-Cape town (can’t forget our friends on the other side of the canal). Only then, have you Run the Cod!

The final bit of information needed was to list – and make a calendar of – all the races in each town to get a sense of the schedule. At last count, there are over 70 races on Cape Cod, the Islands as well as plenty off-Cape, particularly in Plymouth. Races are spread through the busy summer tourist season as well as shoulder seasons as part of a local celebration or annual event (Wellfleet Oysterfest hosts a 5K, New Year’s Day celebrations hosts “First Day 5ks,” some pubs host their own timed fun run, etc.), and can be a big economic driver for the host town. Check.

So, if you are up for traveling to – or around – Cape Cod, exploring every town, clipping on a running bib, and bringing some friends along, then join me in accepting the Run the Cod Challenge. As Barney Stinson would also say, “It’s gonna be legendary!”