by Jeff Shaw
“…the pungent aroma of baking bread, with a hint of garlic, will continue to waft through the air,” noted a SouthCoastToday article from 1997. The article covered the then-recent sale of Cape Cod based-Chatham Village Croutons to Lancaster Colony Corp., an Ohio firm. Fortunately, the then-company’s food division, Marzetti Foods, did not uproot the Wareham site and those delicious smells continue to waft through the salty Cape Cod air, albeit slightly off-Cape, all these years later.
I tracked down the above mentioned article because I did not know the back story of Chatham Village Croutons – and it was bothering me. I also had some suspicions. Was using the map of Cape Cod image and town name on the packaging just shameless marketing by some evil conglomerate, or was there a grain of sandy truth to the crouton’s local origins?
As it turns out, the latter. Phew. The year was 1980, but the food was not croutons, it was potato chips. As it also turns out, the founders of Cape Cod Potato Chips also created Chatham Village Croutons! Two favorite foods for so many.
Those founders – Stephen and Lynn Bernard, both Chatham residents, operated a small, 800-square foot sandwich shop in Hyannis. The potato chips came first, so successful an experiment, that Bernards eventually sold the potato chip company to Anheuser-Busch to get the financial backing needed to go national with the product. (Talk about the phrase, “and as they say, the rest is history!”)
As the crouton story goes, Bernard sold croutons made from the leftover bread at the sub shop. This so-called second experiment evolved into a business selling packaged croutons under the brand name Chatham Village Market. The crouton company slowly grabbed a larger share of the national market every year that the Bernards moved the operation from their sandwich shop to its current Wareham site. The company is now branded as Chatham Village Foods.
As mentioned earlier, the crouton company has been owned by Marzetti Foods for the last twenty-five years. And yes, the same Marzetti brands known for their salad dressings and dips.
The croutons continue to do well in a multimillion dollar industry. Bernard once quipped, “You laugh at croutons making money, but just think how many salads there are between restaurants and homes.”
He was right, I have a healthy dozen or so Chatham Village Croutons in my salad right now. You can’t miss with the Caesar flavored croutons.
March 8, 2023