A Happy Mother’s Day “LaUNCH”
It’s fitting that HappyCapeCod.com blog is launching not only on Ragnar Cape Cod weekend, but more importantly, and appropriately, Mother’s Day. Why the former? Because I re-discovered a passion for running, volunteerism and driving rental vans with a handful of stranger-friends, through the Ragnar experience, circa 2013. I’ve run Ragnar Cape Cod for the last 5 consecutive years, with a 3rd place medal finish in our Division last year that justified taking a break on top. Admittedly, I’m already on teams for Ragnar Trail Vermont and Ragnar Reach the Beach, so there is no retirement just yet, much to my wife’s chagrin.
Let’s get back to Mother’s Day. My mom has always been – and will always be, an important part of my life. She (and my Dad and Nana) made my childhood a happy one, supported me through all my questionable decisions – jobs, relationships, clothing and haircuts as a teenager, dropped what she was doing if I ever needed to talk in those college years, inspired me in adulthood, recently having the strength and courage to battle through treatment for a serious health issue. She is simply a great person, deserving of all the good things life has to offer and I hope the future is long, bright and full of joy.
Mom also indirectly taught me a few helpful tips for living a meaningful life that may impact others for the better. “Have compassion, strive for humility, laugh a lot, find and dedicate time to what’s important, and please, stop and smell the roses once in a while!” She also cemented a seemingly straight-forward words of wisdom into my often cloudy, overwhelmed and distracted head…”Life is a gift, make it count…”
Now, many would say, starting a blog is not really fulfilling those words of wisdom. Maybe. But for me, I am truly passionate about Cape Cod – and want to help others to have similar experiences in their travels – but that would not have been the case without my parents (and grandparents) who accepted an invitation to visit “the Cape” in the early 1980s. Mom, Dad, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being great parents, tour guides of my childhood in Chatham and for making so many Cape Cod experiences full of joy, laughter, wonder and good food and drink. Count it!
Why all this information and big build-up? Because I plan to surprise Mom over “LaUNCH”, not just with this heart-felt, sometimes funny, hopefully cheery post, but for sharing that her non-tech savvy son started a blog! About Cape Cod! Waa-Hoo! (The entire family shares a passion for Cape Cod, so hopefully this creative outlet of commentary will win everyone over.)
Happy Mother’s Day, Mom and to all Moms!