Author’s Note: There are moments in life when you “re-discover something” and “it” makes an impression on you, maybe even changes your perspective. Those moments can come at any time and in many forms; say, experiencing the natural environment in a way removed from technology, noise and other people, hiking Mount Mansfield in the warm sunshine at the base only to find a cloud-covered, bitterly cold wind storm at the summit; literally stopping to smell the roses on a trail run, or just driving west on the highway catching the sun setting in the distance. Just the simple act of sipping coffee on the back deck on a bright summer morning, the only sounds are birds chirping and a lawn getting mowed in the distance. New perspectives certainly can result after traveling to a new place, immersing in another culture, language, foods and realizing those little things in life we often take for granted. It may also come from a conversation on an unexpected topic with a trusted friend or colleague. Point is, we are constantly discovering or re-discovering things that keep life interesting.
Well, to keep this seemingly deep philosophical dive entertaining, a recent “re-discovery” that brought me immense joy and a new perspective, was none other than a croquet set. Laugh all you want, but hear me out. Picture this: an off-the-beaten path all-inclusive beachfront resort set on the beautiful Caribbean island of Antigua; 80 degree days of sunshine, gently breaking waves always in view, an actual manicured lawn set-up for croquet and six competitive adults with brand-new wooden mallets to break-in. Did I mention the resort was all-inclusive? Sure, we needed to brush up on the rules we may have picked up as kids fooling around with the cheap (yet surprisingly durable) set from Bradlees that later became a dusty fixture in the garage. That same set has been restored and used regularly in the backyard, though the view is a bit different than on Antigua. It is also a little ironic that not just one, not just two but THREE different references to “croquet on Cape Cod” found its way into my reading list since that vacation. A 2011 Boston.com article backs up this new-found appreciation for a seemingly trivial activity, “the weird, wonderful – and absolutely cutthroat – world of competitive croquet.” Therefore, I give you, croquet on Cape Cod!

Croquet 101
First, a little history. The origins of croquet date back between 150 and 600 years depending who you ask, though the game came from Europe. According to one source, croquet was imported from France to England by King Charles II in the 17th century, and has roots extending back to the 14th century in Europe. Others say croquet was invented in the British Isles in the mid-19th century. Not surprisingly, croquet has evolved over the years of tweaking by countries around the world. For our purposes, the history doesn’t really matter, I just want to share the existence of this growing sport that is making a comeback right here on Cape Cod.
Need a refresher on modern day croquet? I got you covered. American six wicket croquet is the most popular form of play from leisurely backyard BBQs to cutthroat club tournaments, say, on the island of Antigua in December 2018… This format has six iron wickets, one stake, four heavy, plastic balls weighing a standard one pound, each played by a player on opposing teams of two each (or four balls played by each of two opposing players). Feel free to amend the rules if you have more than four players or face a time crunch. For the more serious players, “Deadness” boards help keep track of play. Players use mallets sized about 36 inches for adults. The standard court is 105 by 84 feet (35 yards by 28 yards) but the court is scaled down when short grass (one quarter inch) is not available. Like tennis, croquet tradition requires wearing white clothing.
There is an official, national organization, United States Croquet Association (USCA), whose mission is to grow and govern the sport in America. It was organized in 1977 by Jack Osborn, and currently boasts 300 member clubs and 3,000 members, hosting “official” tournaments each year. Much of the sports growth is attributed to partnerships with golf courses (short cut, manicured grass), resorts (guest activities) and municipal parks (public recreation) that can maintain dedicated lawns for play. Due to costs and level of organization, not all croquet clubs are created equal or members of the USCA, though three out of the four below are members. Some clubs are an activity offered at a private club, others operate as an actual nonprofit organization, the rest, are regular gathering of enthusiasts.
Looking for a place to play on Cape Cod? There are a few options.

Chase Park Croquet Club (formerly Pleasant Bay Croquet Club), is an established organization with over 35 members who play at all levels. They group changed their name after losing their home on the Pleasant Bay waterfront last year, as it sought to re-locate to Chase Park (hence Chase Park Croquet Club), where a closely manicured lawn for bocce is already in use. The group actually went before the town park and recreation commission – in traditional white attire – for official recognition and re-location of play and got it! The club is experienced in setting up croquet courts, teaching and will share a few thousand dollars worth of croquet equipment (wickets, balls, mallets, boundary markers, a deadness board, and a bench) at their new location. The club was even prepared to pay for weekly mowing of the lawn if called for. The Chase Park Croquet Club is open to anyone and welcomes new members. For more information, contact Diane Siptrom at chaseparkcroquet@gmail.com.

Martha’s Vineyard
Edgartown Croquet Club (ECC), which was written about extensively in 2015, but has been elusive in terms of recent activities (though they are listed as “community partners” on a 2019 Boys and Girls Club webpage.) Still, in 2015 the Martha’s Vineyard Times covered the 2015 Edgartown Croquet Club tournament with much acclaim, “And the game they play is an exhausting combination of skill, timing, and strategy. Think chess on grass or billiards on the lawn. Last Saturday the four remaining teams in the ECC doubles tournament squared off in a round-robin format to determine the 2015 winner. Bill Elbow and Joan Collins won over Bill Blakesly and Susie Herr for the laurels, after eight hours of play.” The article went on to reference the club’s 25 active members and that it played matches on their home lawn near the Martha’s Vineyard Boys and Girls Club. If you happen to be on the Vineyard this summer, swing by the Boys and Girls Club to play! For more information, contact James Turner at jlturne@gmail.com.

The Westmoor Club, a private member club that offers everything from overnight stays, elegant dining, boating, lawn sports and wellness, on a picturesque seaside of Nantucket. There are a few membership categories (full member, associate member and winter membership options) to attract folks, but croquet is just one of many activities for members. I was particularly impressed with their description of croquet at the club, “Truly, the “Lord of Lawn Sports,” the intriguing and tactically challenging game of Croquet has earned a special place at Westmoor. Located on the field of dreams, the croquet field is open seven days a week. The Westmoor Club also hosts Croquet and Cocktails every Monday, in-season.” Croquet and cocktails, sounds like they know what they’re doing. For more information, contact Wayne Davies (508) 228-9494.

Sandwich Croquet Club, is an established club that is located at the Sandwich Hollows Golf Club. Arguably the most well organized (they have a Board of Directors) and active club (over two dozen members, detailed website) on the Cape and Islands, the Sandwich Croquet Club plays 6 wicket, 9 wicket and golf croquet weekly on Tuesdays (2-4pm), Thursdays (5-7pm), Saturdays (10am-12pm) and Sundays (3-5pm) from May to November. The agreement with Sandwich Hollows Golf Club includes maintaining four croquet lawns for play. The lawn is open to members to use whenever they want for practice; outside of scheduled play, tournaments and maintenance. The group also goes out to dinner after scheduled play at either the Clubhouse Restaurant or nearby restaurants. For more information, contact Jean Lynch at jlynch8488@gmail.com.
Anyone else eager to don on white attire and meet up on the lawn?