The Only Old Colony Rail Trail Bench May Get Company

The only bench along the Old Colony Rail Trail (OCRT). Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

by Jeff Shaw

Over the summer, Chatham Bikeways Committee Chair Bob Oliver recommended benches be installed along the Old Colony Rail Trail (OCRT). Only a single bench exists along the 4.6-mile route at the intersection of the trail and George Ryder Road, near the Hangar B (a public cafe), leaving weary travelers nowhere to take a break.

Indeed, “not a stone, not a log, not a bench, nothing to sit on whatsoever,” Oliver said. He’s right. I biked the route recently and other than two picnic tables in a grassy area above White Pond, there is no other place to sit along the OCRT.

Currently, the Bikeways Committee is seeking sponsors for at least four additional benches to be installed along the route. Each bench will cost $2,500, with the option of including a memorial plaque. While the price point of the benches ($2,500) is way more than the memorial brick ($150-300) pathway installed in Kate Gould Park last year, I assume a local business and/or wealthy donor will scoop up this wonderful opportunity to enhance outdoor recreation in town.

As for the locations of these four benches; good question. As of this writing, I have not received a response from the Bikeways Committee regarding where these benches would be installed. 

However, having used the trail for the last 25 years or so, I have some guesses. I describe my four guesses for the four benches locations as follows: Sure Things; “Yes, But”; and a “Hail Mary”. And for a little fun, I have a bonus guess, which will be called “How Has That Not Been Done Already!”

Once the money is raised (or the Bikeway Committee responds), I’m looking forward to seeing if I’m right or wrong!

Sure Thing #1: Intersection of Route 137 and Route 28 (between Short ‘n’ Sweet Ice Cream and Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church)

Prime real estate for a bench. There is even an ice cream shop next to the parking lot!
Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

The intersection of the trail and Route 137 already received a safety upgrade at the road crossing. Flashing lights on both sides warns oncoming vehicles if a rider, walker or runner is nearby. Additionally, the site has a large parking lot, that also accommodates a food truck at select times. Already on site: a small bike rack, air pressure pumps, garbage cans and a large framed map of the trail in the immediate area. 

Sure Thing #2: Intersection at Crowell Road 

The OCRT Trailhead at Crowell Road. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

The intersection is already billed as the Old Colony Rail Trail Trailhead (at least on Google maps), so, there should probably be a bench at the beginning/end of the trail. Additionally, there is a large framed map of the trail in the immediate area. 

Yes, But: Paved Area Where Trail Becomes Wilfred Road, near Sky Way

The quiet side of the Chatham Municipal Airport (CQX). Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

A small paved area at the end of Wilfred Road leads to an emergency access gate along the fence of the airport property. Granted, the area is a little dusty and certainly quiet compared to the bustling side with the Airport Café and Stick’n Rudder Airplane Tours. Still, a bench facing the runway with views of planes taking off and landing would be an enjoyable view while taking a break. Admittedly, the location is less than a mile from the original bench on the other side of the airport, and just down the street from the picnic tables at White Pond.

Hail Mary: Wilfred Road Overlooking Little White Pond, White Pond or Emery Pond

A view of White Pond from Wilfred Road. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Let’s be honest, a bench is best placed in a location with a scenic view. A few spots along Wilfred Road, closer to Old Queen Anne Road, would provide stunning views of area ponds. However, there is not much ground to secure a bench along the bluff, but it would be a lovely view in a quiet part of town.

How Have They Not Done That Yet!: Veteran’s Field, Paved Area Behind Outfield

The end of the sanctioned route (Veteran’s Field). Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Perhaps the most obvious option when you think about it, a bench – or two, or even three – installed on the paved area above (and facing) the outfield makes a lot of sense. First, that’s literally where the OCRT officially ends. Second, there is a large framed map of the trail there as well as a garbage can, so people gather there. Three and most importantly, that is prime real estate for viewing baseball games!

A couple other locations that make sense, but are not as fun as the other guesses are below:

If You Insist #1: Intersection at Volunteer Park extension.

The “four corners” intersection of the OCRT. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

This location happens to be an extension trail to Volunteer Park, a public park with a skateboard park as well as ballfields. Not in view, but across from the extension path is the tennis court at Bailey’s Path, a private neighborhood. Indeed, a lot of action at this intersection.

If You Insist #2: Chatham-Harwich OCRT line.

The Chatham – Harwich line of the OCRT. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

I cannot think of a better way to illustrate being a welcoming community that promotes outdoor recreation than with a bench as soon as people cross into Chatham from Harwich.

Where do you think the benches should be installed?

September 6, 2023

Visit All 10 Cape Cod Baseball League Parks in One Weekend

by Jeff Shaw

The distance between the teams located farthest from one another is 47 miles. Photo credit: Google maps.

The month of June is known for many things; graduations, maximum daylight, outdoor concerts and endless replays of Alice Cooper’s Schools Out [for summer]. But on Cape Cod, the month of June means the beginning of a wonderful tradition and summer rite of passage: the Cape Cod Baseball League

If you need a refresher, ten teams located between Wareham (just off-Cape) and Orleans, (Lower Cape), compete annually in this officially NCAA sanctioned summer league. (Though, as many books point out, the origins of organized baseball on Cape Cod are local and amateur.) Most professional scouts love to be assigned to the Cape League because of the concentration of teams. As an example, the distance between Wareham and Orleans, the two farthest outposts of the 10-team league, is a mere 47 miles. Conversely, teams in leagues in larger geographical areas may be separated by 47 miles each! 

Indeed, closeness and geography makes the Cape Cod Baseball League special. So why not see for yourself and visit each team’s ballpark this summer? Below is a plan to do just that…in a single weekend. You read that right, it can be done:

Double Header Weekends. The weekends of June 17-19 (Father’s Day) and June 24-26 both have double headers on Sunday. The earliest double header begins at 2pm (at Cotuit) and the latest double header begins at 5pm (at Chatham). Meaning you can easily catch three complete games and probably see even more games if you only stay for a few innings and move along. Watching three complete games sounds like the ultimate ‘summer catch’ [Cape League-based movie pun intended]! 

Last Weekend. The July 29-31 games are the last regular season weekend games. If you are savvy, you can catch games (heading East) at Hyannis (6pm) Harwich (6:30pm), Orleans (6:30pm) and Chatham (7pm) on Friday; start Saturday in Brewster (4pm) and then proceed West to Wareham (6pm—crossing the bridge should be okay on a Saturday), then head back over the bridge and down to Falmouth (6pm). On Sunday, start in YD at 4:30pm, then head West to the second half of the Cotuit game (4:30pm) and then the middle of the game at Bourne (6pm). 

Unique Game Locations. Four Cape League teams will travel off-Cape for regular season game play. The first game between YD vs. Hyannis will be Wednesday, July 20 at 11:00am at Dunkin’ Donuts Park in Hartford, home of the Class AA Hartford Yard Goats, affiliated with the Colorado Rockies. The second game between Bourne vs. Wareham will be Monday, July 25 at 6:45pm at Polar Park in Worchester, home of the Worcester Red Sox. And of course, don’t forget the All-Star Game on Saturday, July 23 at 6:00pm in Wareham.

Pinned locations of all ten Cape Cod Baseball League teams, color coded by West and East Divisions. Photo credit: CCBL.

Below are the addresses to the fields of all ten teams.


Brewster Whitecaps (Eastern Division)

Stoneybrook Elementary School, 384 Underpass Rd, Brewster, MA 02631

Chatham Anglers (Eastern Division)

Veteran’s Field; 702 Main Street, Chatham, MA 02633

Harwich Mariners (Eastern Division)

Whitehouse Field; 75 Oak Street, Harwich, MA 02645

Orleans Firebirds (Eastern Division)

Eldredge Park; 78 Eldredge Park Way, Orleans, MA 02653

Yarmouth-Dennis Red Sox (Eastern Division)

Red Wilson Field; 210 Station Avenue, So. Yarmouth, MA 02664

Bourne Braves (Western Division)

Doran Park, 220 Sandwich Road, Bourne

Cotuit Kettlers (Western Division)

Lowell Park; 10 Lowell Avenue, Cotuit, MA 02635

Falmouth Commodores (Western Division)

Guv Fuller Field, Main St., Falmouth Center

Hyannis Harbor Hawks (Western Division)

McKeon Field; 120 High School Road, Hyannis, MA 02601

Wareham Gatemen (Western Division)

Clem Spillane Field, Rte. 6, Wareham Center at 54 Marion Road and Viking Drive

June 3, 2022

Make Your Mark in Kate Gould Park

January 4, 2022

by Jeff Shaw

Kate Gould Park, Chatham, during the holiday season. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

Happy New Year! And what better way to kick-off a new year, with…“Give the gift that will last forever.” That catchy tagline describes a unique fundraiser being hosted by the Chatham Chamber of Commerce & Merchants Association. Specifically, the Beautification Committee within the Chamber, is managing a brick purchasing campaign as part of a larger, two-phase improvement plan for Kate Gould Park along Main Street in downtown Chatham. 

Brick sales is the featured activity of phase one of the improvement plan. There are two styles of personalized bricks available. The $150 option includes 3 lines with 20 characters on each line. The $300 option includes 6 lines with 20 characters on each line. The inscribed bricks will look similar to those at walkways at Oyster Pond and the Atwood House in Chatham.

Kate Gould Park, Chatham, featuring holiday lights. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

According to Mary Cavanagh, there is no deadline just yet. The Chamber will provide plenty of notice before cutting off ordering. As for timeline, the bricks could be installed as early as this June or as late as June 2023, depending on sales.

Other upgrades in phase one include new plantings – hydrangeas, grass and roses. Also, the trash and recycling containers at both park entrances will be relocated. Together, these improvements will soften the appearance of the heavy foot traffic area.

The Whit Tileston Bandstand in Kate Gould Park, Chatham. Photo credit: Mike Shaw.

According to the Cape Cod Chronicle, the Beautification Committee envisions a second phase of the improvement plan that would involve a well and irrigation system, as well as clearing brush from the hillside bordering Seaside Links Golf Course to create more space for crowds at band concerts.

The Beautification Committee consists of Chamber/Merchant board members, along with employees of local businesses, the Chatham Garden Club, the Friends of Trees, the Chatham Band and other community members.

Chatham Marconi Wireless Route and FKT

The former wireless transmission site, Forest Beach, South Chatham. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

by Jeff Shaw (May 16, 2021)

Author’s Note: Picture this: a bright blue sky, the smell of salty air and fallen pine needles, the sounds of chirping birds, breaking waves and rumbling motor boats. Among a bustling fishing village and northeast vacation destination is both the literal foundation and historical sites that much of modern communication was built upon – even GPS tracking FKTs! 

The location is Chatham, Massachusetts, an Atlantic Ocean facing Cape Cod town. The historical site is the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center, celebrating the final of three consecutive centennials commemorating the first trans-Atlantic and wireless maritime communication (a notable example is the Titanic’s distress signal). The man was radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi, who won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1909 for his work in wireless telegraphy.

All smiles as I attempt to create a historic route and set a fastest known time! Photo credit: Ellen Shaw.

Chatham Marconi Wireless Route

I call this route the “Chatham Marconi Wireless Route,” ideal for American history lovers, tech buffs and beach bums alike! The inspiration for the route was the “Antenna Trail Challenge,” a first-ever virtual event encouraging people to visit the remaining historic sites.

The route is a historic, coast to coast sprint, featuring a combination of surfaces: dirt trail, road, paved recreation path, and sandy beach trail. The route follows modern day roads and trails that connect the original marine radio wireless transmitting stations in North and South Chatham. 

I was sure to share the route with the Race Director, so who knows, perhaps this route will be the future 5K route of Antenna Challenges!

Forest Beach Conservation Area. From the overlook, you can see former concrete pilings and poles, now historic markers. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Start – Chatham Marconi Maritime Museum, North Chatham

The route begins on the Chatham Marconi Maritime Center grounds, at the top of the hill of the outdoor Antenna Field Trail at the bench and informational sign. The trail descends quickly into the parking lot that leads to Orleans Road with the sparkling emerald blue waters of Ryders Cove in view.

Orleans Road to Old Comers Road

Turn right out of the parking lot onto Orleans Road, passing two restored buildings on the Center grounds. Turn right onto Old Comers Road. The term “old comers” is an old Cape Cod term for families that came over on the Mayflower. Another historical site along this route, is a smallpox cemetery at the 1.5 mile mark, part of “The Triangle” conservation area. 

The sandy path begins at the Forest Beach parking lot and ends at Mill Creek.
Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Sam Ryder Road to West Pond Road (to Old Colony Rail Trail)

Turn left onto Sam Ryder Road. Sam Ryder was part of the fishing family of which Ryders Cove bear his last name. Turn left onto West Pond Road and immediately bear right onto the Old Colony Rail Trail Volunteer Park Extension.

Turn right onto Old Colony Rail Trail. Another historic site, the Old Colony Rail Trail is a paved pathway that runs the length of the former Chatham railway, eventually intersecting with the iconic Cape Cod Rail Trail in Harwich. 

A beautiful summer day at Forest Beach, South Chatham. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Morton Road to Forest Beach Road

Turn left onto Morton Road. At the intersection with Route 28, continue straight onto Forest Beach Road. Use the crosswalk.

Turn left onto Bay View Road. Keep right up the small hill, which is the Forest Beach Conservation Area. At the top of the hill is an overlook of the salt marsh that was the location of the former wireless transmission site. A handful of poles and four concrete pilings remain as historical reminders. At the overlook informational sign, turn around and head back down the way you came toward Forest Beach Road. 

The rock jetty at Mill Creek. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Finish – Rock Jetty at Mill Creek Entrance (between Forest Beach & Cockle Cove), South Chatham

Turn left onto Forest Beach Road into the beach parking lot. Halfway into the parking lot is a sandy path on the left. 

Take a left onto the sandy path. Bare left onto the lower path. Finish at the large metal “5-MPH” Ideal Speed sign at the rock jetty entrance to Mill Creek. 

Bask in an incredible view of Nantucket Sound from this remote beach!

I fell in love with the view of this remote stretch of Forest Beach and returned for the sunset.
Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

Free Beach Parking Part 2

“Sun”day at Forest Beach in May. Photo credit: Jeff Shaw.

The calendar says June which means we are on the cusp of beach parking fee season. A little-known fact about Cape Cod is that there are actually over a dozen beaches spread throughout the Upper, Mid, Lower and Outer Cape where you can find free beach parking. That’s right, no stickers, no passes, no fees, no tickets, do exist!

Sure, these beaches are not on any Top 10 lists. Most, you probably never heard of. But if you are looking for a new adventure, a reason to check out a new Cape Cod town or just want to save a few bucks, the beaches listed below do not charge fees to park/enter. 

Of course, you can always visit the beaches that do require a sticker before or after the enforcement hours, generally 9:00-4:30 p.m. or park elsewhere and walk, bike or ride-share back.

Whatever your preference, enjoy the sun and sand!

Free Beach Parking Exists on Cape Cod


Forest Beach: Public beach, limited parking, no restrooms, no fees.

Jacknife Harbor Beach: Public beach, no fees, no restrooms.

White Pond: Public beach, no fees, limited parking

Oyster Pond: Public beach, lifeguards, restrooms, no fee, medium sized parking lot (50 spots)

Clear water at Mayo Beach, with ample eating and shopping options within walking distance. Photo credit:


Grew’s Pond: toilet, bath house, ice cream truck, lifeguards


Mayo Beach: Medium-sized parking lot (90 spots), walkable playground, restaurants and harbor


Bay View Beach: No lifeguards, beach area, seasonal Porta-John, small parking lot (20 spots) calm, shallow water

Colonial Acres: Small beach, marina, no lifeguards, wooden bridge, small parking lot (15 spots), seasonal Porta-John, nearby Mill Creek is a good spot for fishing and crabbing

The crossing to Colonial Acres Beach in Yarmouth. Photo credit:

Dennis Pond: Parking area, seasonal Porta-John, no lifeguards

Englewood Beach: No lifeguards, beach, marina, jetty, small parking lot (20 spots); good sunset spot

Gray’s Beach (Bass Hole Beach): Good views, amenities including pavilion with picnic tables, charcoal grills and playground; Unpaved boat launch for kayakers, boaters and anglers; Good sunset spot; Medium-sized parking lot (50 spots)

Long Pond (Wings Grove): Parking area, small playground, wooded area, basketball court, seasonal Porta-John

Sandy Pond: Small beach, no lifeguards, recreation area, softball field, soccer field, tennis courts, basketball court, playground, picnic area (first come first serve), seasonal bathrooms, parking areas

Wilbur Park Beach: Picnic area, boat ramp, parking lot, seasonal Porta-john

Windmill Beach: Small beach, historic windmill, small parking area

Do you know of other Cape Cod beaches with free parking? Please let me know!